Appointment dates and times are booked and confirmed only after full session fee payment has been made. Due to the overwhelming amount of love and blessings from loyal, treasured clients - new and repeat, appointments book weeks in advance.
*Hair and make-up stylist services are not included. Pricing for these services depend on individual stylist and scheduling and payment will need to made to them directly.

Creating unique images that are not only engaging, but tell a story about who you are and capture the elemental beauty within you. Being photographed is a personal experience that allows for an individual or family to participate in capturing something spontaneous and special. Memories and moments shared during a fine art session involve positive emotion, distinctive grace and even goofy enjoyment. We are all rare, one-of-a-kind works of art and thus, priceless!
Fine Art Portrait Sessions are scheduled year round excluding nationally recognized holidays. Depending on location and weather, appointment times may vary but typically start at 10:00AM for in-home and studio sessions or just before sunrise or sunset for beach sessions. Please specify when you call for your session if you or your child require a unique time to accommodate with feeding or napping schedules so that we can cater to your needs to the best of our ability. A non-refundable deposit is required when booking your session in order to reserve your appointment. Cancellations must be made with a minimum of 72 hours notice to apply your deposit to your rescheduled session. Specialty props or themes desired for your session should be disclosed to Rita during your telephone consultation to provide adequate time for preparation.

Sessions are available on location or in studio and will be created in beautiful, natural light. Clothing and design consultation is included via telephone prior to your scheduled session date. Sessions are never rushed and usually last 1-3 hours. 30-50+ edited and enhanced images including color, black & white and my signature vintage tones will be presented during your in person Image Reveal & Purchasing Session. This session will be scheduled two - three weeks from your photography date. Please allow 1-2 hours for the reveal and portrait ordering session. An online gallery with private link and password will then be available for 10 days to share with friends and family if requested or if necessary for out of island clients.

Be sure to arrive on time or just before to give us enough time to capture you in the gorgeous sunrise light that I know you will appreciate for your photographs. Sunrise sessions are scheduled 15-20 min prior to actual sunrise to ensure that we will be ready to begin photographing at the optimal time with optimal lighting. Arriving late results in missing the sunrise and will result in a reschedule date with a rescheduling fee of $150.

Young children are encouraged to have snacks, breaks, and play time to keep them happy and relaxed. To interact with children and capture their playful spirit, it is recommended that you step aside so your children can play and express themselves without being prompted to smile or say cheese. Children under 5 will receive a complementary plush toy at the end of the photo shoot.

Schedule your appointment on a relaxing day so that you can take your time and experience the moment, the memory and the introspective or comical nature of your session.

Maternity sessions are best held in the end of the seventh or beginning of the eighth month of pregnancy to truly capture the magnificent form your body will take. Special tips for preparing for your Maternity Session • Schedule your photo session on a day that you, your partner and your children (if they are going to be in the shoot) will be relaxed and well rested. Try not to schedule too many appointments on that day before or after the shoot. • At least two hours before our shoot, please try to remove anything with elastic, such as a tight shirt, pants, underwear or a bra to prevent strap marks from appearing on your skin. • Eat a light snack before the shoot. • Make-up should be light and natural looking. A light foundation, blush etc. to even out skin tones is perfect. Too much eyeliner or eye shadow can look very dark on film. If you wish for me to recommend a professional to do your make-up, please let me know at least a week in advance to accommodate.* • Special jewelry is a nice accessory to the photographs, though too much jewelry can be distracting. If you have any questions, just bring it along. • Hair should be fixed so you are comfortable with it. Some mothers prefer to go to a stylist before the shoot; others prefer to fix their hair on their own. If you wish for me to have a stylist during your shoot, please let me know one week in advance to accommodate.* • Feel free to set aside anything that you feel good in or want to be included in the photograph, including flowers or special clothing, such as scarves, shawls, veils. • If you are being photographed with your partner, please have him/her bring or wear solid colored pants and a solid colored shirt, long or short sleeved is fine. Cardigan sweaters and tank tops are great clothing items for mothers — something to cover the breasts but still expose the belly. • If the shoot is in your home, only the family should be present to prevent distractions.